Hello Sitecore Lovers !!!!
Today i will talk little about sitecore commerce OOTB component "Product List", if you have used existing storefront site and observe the list, it looks something like below
So far so good, now i will talk about the actual issue we run into
Most of the storefront OOTB component works on a product level, but in our case we needed prices from a variant and not from a product, Sitecore commerce has a pricing manager but it was always returning NULL for variant prices and was only returning prices for a product and not variant underneath it.
Now because we knew that this component is using ProductListRepository.cs and if we override it, we could see what pricing logic is written and we can tweak it to get the variant price, but before that we wanted to find why it is not considering variants and only considering a product, Logically it should also fetch its variant prices too
So i started digging by looking into ProductListRepository.cs and found below code which actually is responsible to get prices on a product and a variant level.
if you observe below code in ProductListRepository.cs
There is one thing to note here
When ProductEntity is initialized using mode.Initialize method, VariantEntity list is passed null, now because it is passed as null, Variant list will always be empty from the model initialize method, see below
Setting up VariantEntityList is important because other wise no OOTB methods will fill out variant prices.
Now it was time to modify, ProductListRepository to have VariantList to fill and use existing pricing manager to fill variant prices like following
As you see now, We have initialized VariantEntityList and also we are now calling OOTB method to fill variant prices which is
We used this method initially and found out that, until this productEntityList does not have the variant list initialized, it will not will not fill any prices for variant and hence VariantEntityList code is introduced
It took some time to figure out this but DotPeek is your best friend while working with sitecore commerce, Specially when you want to do customization
Today i will talk little about sitecore commerce OOTB component "Product List", if you have used existing storefront site and observe the list, it looks something like below
So far so good, now i will talk about the actual issue we run into
Most of the storefront OOTB component works on a product level, but in our case we needed prices from a variant and not from a product, Sitecore commerce has a pricing manager but it was always returning NULL for variant prices and was only returning prices for a product and not variant underneath it.
Now because we knew that this component is using ProductListRepository.cs and if we override it, we could see what pricing logic is written and we can tweak it to get the variant price, but before that we wanted to find why it is not considering variants and only considering a product, Logically it should also fetch its variant prices too
So i started digging by looking into ProductListRepository.cs and found below code which actually is responsible to get prices on a product and a variant level.
if you observe below code in ProductListRepository.cs
There is one thing to note here
When ProductEntity is initialized using mode.Initialize method, VariantEntity list is passed null, now because it is passed as null, Variant list will always be empty from the model initialize method, see below
Setting up VariantEntityList is important because other wise no OOTB methods will fill out variant prices.
Now it was time to modify, ProductListRepository to have VariantList to fill and use existing pricing manager to fill variant prices like following
protected override ICollection<ProductEntity> AdjustProductPriceAndStockStatus( IVisitorContext visitorContext, SearchResults searchResult, Item currentCategory, StringPropertyCollection propertyBag = null) { CommerceStorefront currentStorefront = this.StorefrontContext.CurrentStorefront; List<ProductEntity> productEntityList = new List<ProductEntity>(); string str = "Category/" + currentCategory.Name; if (this.SiteContext.Items[(object)str] != null) return (List<ProductEntity>)this.SiteContext.Items[(object)str]; if (searchResult.SearchResultItems != null && searchResult.SearchResultItems.Count > 0) { foreach (Item searchResultItem in searchResult.SearchResultItems) { List<VariantEntity> variantEntityList = new List<VariantEntity>(); if (searchResultItem != null && searchResultItem.HasChildren) { foreach (Item child in searchResultItem.Children) { VariantEntity variantModel = this.ModelProvider.GetModel<VariantEntity>(); variantModel.Initialize(child); variantEntityList.Add(variantModel); } } ProductEntity model = this.ModelProvider.GetModel<ProductEntity>(); model.Initialize(currentStorefront, searchResultItem, variantEntityList); productEntityList.Add(model); } this.CatalogManager.GetProductBulkPrices(currentStorefront, visitorContext, productEntityList); this.InventoryManager.GetProductsStockStatus(currentStorefront, productEntityList, currentStorefront.UseIndexFileForProductStatusInLists); using (List<ProductEntity>.Enumerator enumerator = productEntityList.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ProductEntity productEntity = enumerator.Current; Item obj = searchResult.SearchResultItems.FirstOrDefault<Item>((Func<Item, bool>)(item => { if (item.Name == productEntity.ProductId) return item.Language == Sitecore.Context.Language; return false; })); //if (obj != null) // productEntity.set_CustomerAverageRating(this.CatalogManager.GetProductRating(obj)); } } this.BulkManager.GetProductPricesAndStockInformation(currentStorefront, (IEnumerable<ProductEntity>)productEntityList, false, propertyBag, (string[])null); } this.SiteContext.Items[(object)str] = (object)productEntityList; return (ICollection<ProductEntity>)productEntityList; }
As you see now, We have initialized VariantEntityList and also we are now calling OOTB method to fill variant prices which is
this.CatalogManager.GetProductBulkPrices(currentStorefront, visitorContext, productEntityList);
We used this method initially and found out that, until this productEntityList does not have the variant list initialized, it will not will not fill any prices for variant and hence VariantEntityList code is introduced
It took some time to figure out this but DotPeek is your best friend while working with sitecore commerce, Specially when you want to do customization
Happy troubleshootings !!!
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