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Sitecore GQL not showing template in auto suggestion while using GQL playground

Hi Team, We all work with GraphQL playground which was new some years back and we were all learning, today i am going to share a scenario which you might face too, So you can get the answer or solution handy with this blog post Scenario There are many of our components and code calling GQL, All works fine, but one scenario where it kept showing "Unknown type", There was nothing fancy there and same query and same expectations but it was failing, Below are details of it. So, The context is i created a template, and also created items from that template. Now, I had to write GQL just expose those content because our another downstream system will consume that data and use it. But when i wrote simple query, it kept giving me "Unknown type" error and i was little clueless, Here is what is kept showing.   Troubleshooting 1) I double checked, If template "RecurringScript" exists with same name in Sitecore 2) I renamed the template just to try but it did not work
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