HI Team,
This one will be very quick blog post, But sharing it here so it helps anyone on the internet having same issue
We are using SearchStax and we have been using auto suggestions functionality of it, Everything was working fine and suddenly lot of users started reporting that they are not able to search anything in the search box.
As this was P1, I started looking into the probable cause and logs, first i saw in console that we were getting 500 error, that means there is some issue being thrown from the backend.
Upon checking logs found following in logs
The error was "suggester was not built"
Well, I knew there is some issue with suggester which causing it to fail, but puzzle was, It has always been working for us
Now, because we have this error on SearchStax documentation, If you refer below link, it says
"The root cause is often query fields that are not defined in the Solr schema. Look in the solr.log files for index errors; fix the queries; update the schema; reload the indexes; and restart the suggester. The solution is likely to be along that path."
Well, I could confirm that there was no change with schema and on DEV / UAT it was working just fine
Before creating a support ticket with SearchStax, i wanted to spend sometime understanding it and looking into the logs in details, i got below URL which was getting fired while someone uses auto suggestion search box, and this URL was giving the error
https://<<solr cloud url>>/solr/sitecore_web_index/suggest?q=test+u&rows=100000000&fq=_indexname%3a(sitecore_web_index)&suggest=true&suggest.count=10&suggest.build=false&version=2.2&wt=xml
I read more about suggest.build and how suggester component is working, so if you refer below link
Well, i just tried changing that flag to true in above URL and hit it in the browser, Before this, i never did anything like this, it's new for me too, but well it started working and it was able to built the suggester and live site started showing the results just fine
Though i was able to resolve it, Just to double check this approach and as it was P1 and also to know why it stopped working? I created a ticket with SearchStax for this behavior, Awaiting for their reply & will update this space once i get something around it.
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