Hi Folks,
Hope you all are doing just fine and getting yourself vaccinated and staying home, Today i would like to share one information or a scenario which we encountered last week.
We are using Sitecore SXA (Version is not important here as it will same for all), and one of our content author logged a bug that, they neither able to see "Add here" button on specific place holder nor they are able to move the component on the page in different location, Move option was disabled, and they wanted to have a freedom of moving component here and there and also "Add here" is a vital functionality to add component to specific place holders.
With my surprise as i have never seen this behavior before,
1) I first check their access rights but they had all of needed permissions and they were able to do things normally before.
1) I started looking into place holder restriction and different settings of allowed renderings to see if there are no such restrictions which content authors are not aware of.
But there was nothing of that sort i found out.
2) Now to dig in further, I concentrated my troubleshooting around partial design, page design and the item or page itself to see how components are placed, and i could see that there was nothing placed on page design or partial design, but everything on a page's presentation details only
As we know, There are three default place holder that comes up with SXA partial design
Header, Main and Footer
Now rule of thumb for SXA is
"When you put rendering on main placeholder using partial design, you will not be able to add renderings from content item (page)"
And that is why my initial checking was to see if there are any components on partial design, but strangely there were no components on partial design.
3) Now started decided to create one empty page using those same page template where these partial design were mapped, and strangely the behavior was same, so one thing was sure, it was not due to any renderings on the page which was causing issue as with empty partial designs also it was not working, so one thing was ruled out, that page item has no issues.
4) Now i decided to remove one by one partial design from the page design which was mapped to page template, so i first removed header partial design from the page design which was assigned to the page item, and with my surprised things started working, i had no idea why removing header partial design worked, and why header partial design is causing issue to the main page item?
5) Now it was time to inspect rendering on the header partial design, there were standard menu items and other things, at first glance things looked ok, but looking into detail, i decided to look what are the place holder used for those renderings, and one of the rendering had "main" place holder instead of "header"
so i decided to remove "main" placeholder and i used "header" placeholder instead, behavior of the component did not change because it does not matter if you put it on a header or main, it was just a global component that should be on all the page, but it fixed our issue
In SXA, if you have put item in "main" holder from partial design itself, it will not allow you add item from content item or page item in that same place holder, and that is the reason "Add here" was not shown, because SXA saw that there is already an item in "main" placeholder (though it was added from header partial design, but rule still applies) and hence it locked that placeholder as it was used and did not allow to add items from content items.
And now move button was also enabled and components were movable too, and "Add here" button was also visible on main place holder to add items on to that place holder.
Hope this will help other people running into this type of issues.
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