Hello People, Wish you all a very happy independence day. So its weekend again and our journey towards learning is also continues..., So today we will learn and go through most exciting PART-3 of the Coveo for Sitecore Till now if you have not seen Part-1 and Part-2 yet, go and have a look at them by clicking the links. So, As in previous parts, we were gaining knowledge about basics of coveo and prerequisites of it, and now the platform is set to take the plunge into more hands on and practical part of the implementation. Just to recall till now we have seen installation of coveo package and we had all HIVE templates and coveo renderings installed with that, now today we will dive more into coveo configurations to make a search page, but i will make sure you get the information of all essentials and how they are configured and how they read from coveo indexes. Preparing to Creating a Search Page To create a search page, we will need following ...
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