Hello There, So, today i will be sharing some information which i think will be useful for many as this might come as a blocker just like me, where i was planning for a next sprint for which i was checking prerequisites and suddenly found out that, Export functionality of SXA is not working properly, it was exporting things but i open the page which was exported (index.html), it was loading without any CSS or JS functioning. Problem I have been using SXA but i never had this issue before, where page or site gets exported but when we open the page, it comes up without CSS or JS functioning properly on the page. So, first thing like any developer i opened up the source of the HTML and tried to see why CSS is not working properly and checked its path and found out following I was surprised at first point as i never saw this behavior, but one thing was confirmed that, SXA is adding these "-number" at the end of CSS when we export so, i tried to de-assemble the DLL just to see wh...
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