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Showing posts from April, 2024

Sitecore Technical Workshops - Top FAQs customers asked on XM Cloud

Hi Readers, I want to talk to you about interesting things which we have been doing which is "Technical Workshops" for our customers, so here goes the scenarios. So, we have been doing multiple types of technical workshops.  1) Training customer and their Sitecore technical team on latest and the greatest technologies like XM Cloud & Another composable stack and try enabling them for new Sitecore tech stack. 2) Customers / Potential Customers have their agenda of existing pain points, and we take a workshop on topics around them with best practices etc. little on new technologies, so they also know the future. Basically, we prepare custom targeted presentations & demos for individual workshops, and make sure it helps them answer their questions and they get insights of where Sitecore eco systems has to offer from their versatile toolset and try to keep them up to date with it. So, Purpose of this blog is, because in all these customer & their technical team's ...

Sitecore Serialization - Error connecting to /.well-known/openid-configuration: Bad Gateway

Hi Team, Recently, I faced an issue where for the new project my Sitecore serialization started giving me following error. Error: "Error connecting to Bad Gateway" My identity server when browsed above url was also not working and showing following. Well, I tried seeing logs and different things, I also followed what is given on these links. But I was still getting the same error. Solution If you see above screenshot of my identity server, in "Troubleshooting steps" it is mentioned that "Check the system event log for error messages." It triggered me, I opened event log of windows, and I could see following error.  Now, i already update my .net run time version accordin...