Sitecore 10.3 XM Headless SXA - Placeholder "sxa-header" was not found in the current rendering data when partial designs are used
Hi Team, Recently i worked on one migration project where app was alrady live and working on 10.2 JSS, but it was supposed to be migrated over to 10.3 headless SXA. Team already did everything and migrated things, and it was working just fine apart from couple of things, one of them and most difficult error we were getting was below "Placeholder "sxa-header" was not found in the current rendering data" Because of above no components were getting rendered Following steps i did initially to look into the behavior of this error 1) Checked all placeholders on next app side as well as on sitecore side, all looked ok 2) Double checked that headless layout has those placeholder in allowed place holder lists 3) Double checked that my layoutserviceconfiguration is targeting "sxa-jss" configuration and not "jss" because we did not run jss set up command, its all was looking good and it was working fine for "headless-header. headless-main, headles...