Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0'. This can happen if the target framework is not installed or if the framework moniker is incorrectly formatted wcf update service reference issue
I am feeling little good about writing this blog as this might help many, as i searched for the suggestion on the net for couple of days but may be i didn't google it properly (I can not say google does not have solution :) ), but finally if ends well everything is well, i got the solution of this nightmare kinda issues The Issue I faced this issue and i saw on the net the plenty like me had the same issue, that one fine morning your service reference stopped updating, or you can't do anything with them, which were working fine earlier, You can't update service reference, you can't delete them, once you remove everything and give the reference again, the error fires back again and you can't repeat the same procedure of deleting and inserting the reference over and over See the following screen shot Above is the screen shot which i kept on getting and searched for the solution with best of my googling capabilities untill i got the solution which is bel...