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Showing posts from January, 2013

Facebook Graph API calls for facebook integration

FACEBOOK the world of it's own,But it sounds good if you get its power in your site,Photos,Status,Like,Commenting,Facebook albums, In short you can simply go and create your app which does everything for you without even going on to facebook Facebook has its very superb API which you can find on, You can download full binaries to be coded in C# but i will skip that and put that on readers to explore as and when you have time,Lets talk something short and sweet Facebook Page Here i am only going to talk about the get API calls,That means only things which only get the data from any public page,Say you have a page on facebook for your business and you want the data from your facebook page to be shown onto your website,You can use these calls,Fast,Easy and Fun,Lets get started Say i have a photography page on my facebook or any other page,You can get its photo albums and its photos by following code,Some of the things required to make a call are follow...